Pillars of Development


The Pillars of Development programme is the unique vehicle that the school uses to achieve the objective of guiding ALL the learners to the maximum of their potential. 

The Pillars programme is not a lone standing programme but is intertwined in every aspect of the school – it links the different areas and ensure that there is continuity and overlapping between the different activities and interactions in the school. The Pillars programme consist of the following components

Personality fulfilment

“Familiness” is a word you won’t find in any dictionary and that’s what make us stand out – we do things differently. Our schools have weekly Pillars periods, where they look at WHOLE learner and individual personality development. DCEG aims to develop and build skills that learners need to possess to master critical thinking and self- development.

Themes range from goal setting with Champion-ME! projects, instilling values through the Incredible ME! projects and teaching integrity through our ladies and gentlemen club. Our schools conduct “Good News” calls to update parents of the good their students are doing and the positives we can see.

Academic excellence

Our DCEG students are guided to academic success and excellence through DCEG Learn. The school has many programs in place to foster the academic development of our learners.  The academic focus falls on REAL TEACHING AND LEARNING, implying that the teaching is not focused only on short term achievements, but on the long-term impact on the lives of the learners. 

Academic success starts in the class room. Our rigorous Academic Quality Assurance Control system ensure that teaching and learning is on standard and any deviation is rectified immediately. The classroom work is supported by an intervention plan after school, where the learner’s academic understanding and knowledge is enhanced. This intervention plan address the needs for groups and individuals.


Several other academic support programmes are in place to ensure that the academic abilities of the learners are developed fully

Aesthetic awareness

We encourage the development of aesthetic awareness by teaching an appreciation of the arts. Activities include dancing, singing, drama, and public speaking.

Each term our schools host an event called “Stage door”. Learners practice once a week, together in their family groups to choreograph dances and items to perform for the school on the last day of each term. We end off the year with our “Music Maestro” concert, a production where every learner plays a key role in participation.

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Physical education
Physical education is a key role in the physical development of every child. We ensure that each grade has a P.E. period every week, where various activities are done to ensure overall growth of our learners.
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Skills goal

One of our goals is to get each child in our schools to walk and talk confidently on stage without the stress of failure.

We encourage our learners onto stage, have them talk at assemblies and celebrate every achievement, no matter how small. We also have a public speaking event every year, where our learners can take the stage and confidently speak on well researched topics.

Pillars Cup
The Pillars cup is the most celebrated and Esteemed award our learners can compete for. Multiple criteria are used to gather points for the cup to be won. Academics take the highest points each term, along with participation in extra-mural activities and events.

Guiding all learning to the maximum of their potential