The Pillars of Development programme is the unique vehicle that the school uses to achieve the objective of guiding ALL the learners to the maximum of their potential.
The Pillars programme is not a lone standing programme but is intertwined in every aspect of the school – it links the different areas and ensure that there is continuity and overlapping between the different activities and interactions in the school. The Pillars programme consist of the following components
“Familiness” is a word you won’t find in any dictionary and that’s what make us stand out – we do things differently. Our schools have weekly Pillars periods, where they look at WHOLE learner and individual personality development. DCEG aims to develop and build skills that learners need to possess to master critical thinking and self- development.
Themes range from goal setting with Champion-ME! projects, instilling values through the Incredible ME! projects and teaching integrity through our ladies and gentlemen club. Our schools conduct “Good News” calls to update parents of the good their students are doing and the positives we can see.
Our DCEG students are guided to academic success and excellence through DCEG Learn. The school has many programs in place to foster the academic development of our learners. The academic focus falls on REAL TEACHING AND LEARNING, implying that the teaching is not focused only on short term achievements, but on the long-term impact on the lives of the learners.
Academic success starts in the class room. Our rigorous Academic Quality Assurance Control system ensure that teaching and learning is on standard and any deviation is rectified immediately. The classroom work is supported by an intervention plan after school, where the learner’s academic understanding and knowledge is enhanced. This intervention plan address the needs for groups and individuals.
Several other academic support programmes are in place to ensure that the academic abilities of the learners are developed fully
We encourage the development of aesthetic awareness by teaching an appreciation of the arts. Activities include dancing, singing, drama, and public speaking.
Each term our schools host an event called “Stage door”. Learners practice once a week, together in their family groups to choreograph dances and items to perform for the school on the last day of each term. We end off the year with our “Music Maestro” concert, a production where every learner plays a key role in participation.
One of our goals is to get each child in our schools to walk and talk confidently on stage without the stress of failure.
We encourage our learners onto stage, have them talk at assemblies and celebrate every achievement, no matter how small. We also have a public speaking event every year, where our learners can take the stage and confidently speak on well researched topics.
I would like to welcome you to this unique and noble school where lives have been transformed and visions have been nurtured and pursued into fulfilled dreams. We are delighted that you are considering Greenacres as a suitable institution for your child’s education.
I’m proud to say that at Greenacres Private College I lead a team of experienced educators who are the driving force behind the school’s academic success. They share my passion for lifelong learning and our classrooms are vibrant student-centred environments where inquiry-based approaches are balanced with direct teaching.
Our teachers actively strive to encourage each learner’s natural curiosity and love of learning. We take great care to support their social and emotional growth with direct access to the principal’s office at any time of the day in line with our open-door policy.
Our students graduate from Greenacres Private College with the skills, mind sets and qualities that will best equip them for success in the world of the future. Our learners are intelligent, resilient, creative, imaginative, disciplined, respectful and ethical.
They are the future leaders and role models of society.
And if this is what you want for your child, I welcome you to the Greenacres family!
Dalene Pretorius
Acting Principal Greenacres Private College
I am proud to be in the position to mutually serve and positively contribute to Broadlands Private School and Greenacres Private College as the Executive Principal. Ever since my appointment as Principal of Greenacres Private College, in 2018, I genuinely believed that these two sister-schools are so similar in determination to reach academic excellence that they beat as one heart.
I am sincerely thankful for the opportunity to lead both these respected institutions. Notwithstanding, leading the proficient staff teams and the enthusiastic learners alongside their families. I pledge a commitment to guide both schools to successfully reach the purest level of academic excellence. As with any journey, one has to change one’s mind-set and perspective in order to successfully reach your destination. Therefore, in some way or another, there will be some changes instigated in both schools regarding management, alongside newly implemented administrative procedures. Nevertheless, the main aim, being academic excellence, will remain the same throughout regardless of any changes made within the schools’ systems.
Moreover, to ensure the progressive success rate of any adjustment in an academic institution, the same institution requires the support of both parents / guardians and learners. Consequently, it is my sincere hope that teachers, parents / guardians, as well as the learners, will support any changes implemented in the respective schools with the understanding that all my decisions are based on the wellbeing and success of both schools. As the Executive Principal, I will simultaneously guide & manage both schools alongside the distinct school management teams, educators, learners and parents; in order to achieve the identical vision of developing all our learners to the maximum of their potential.
Throughout my career I have observed that all decisions in life have a continuous ripple effect. Thus, a decision that will have an everlasting ripple effect is choosing a school that will both benefit your child’s academics, as well as their emotional growth. Furthermore, a learner’s academic performance, as well as their experience in a school will determine their accessible opportunities for tertiary education. In addition, a school contributes to a learner’s development in numerous areas. These areas include (but is not limited to): an increase of emotional intelligence, self-esteem, social interaction/s and providing life skills to ensure a successful career and the ability to function as an independent adult and become a valued contributor to the community.
I can affirm with confidence that all learners are the main priority in all operational facets of both Broadlands Private School and Greenacres Private College. These academic institutions aim for the highest level of quality as an education provider and an institution that will shape the future world leaders.
The school management team/s and staff alike, will focus on providing each learner with a virtuous education in an environment that is a well-disciplined in nature, in accordance with a hardworking atmosphere and most importantly a safe environment.
Broadlands Private School and Greenacres Private College awaits your application to join our – now extended – family. Remember that progressive beginnings lead to exceptional finales.
With sincere and heartfelt regard
Ms F Choonara
Executive Principal – Broadlands Primary & Greenacres Private College
As Acting Principal under the close guidance and support of the Acting Executive Principal, Ms Choonara, I look forward to taking Broadlands to new heights.
I thank the directors and Ms Choonara for all the guidance and wisdom that has been instilled in me to lead Broadlands through this new journey that we will embark on.
The aim is to guide EACH learner to the MAXIMUM of their potential, and with the Pillars of Development programme and other tools we are able to do so.
When you join a DCEG school, you join a close-knit family that takes a child’s hand, and leads them to their dream.
I look forward to the great stories of success regarding high standards of academia and children who will prosper in every aspect of their school career.
Kind Regards,
Sean Geldenhuys
Acting Principal